Everybody is advertising CBD: from MLMers to gas stations posting signs on the side of the road… people are saying it’s the new gold rush!
Every shmuck who has never touched a green smoothie in his life wants a piece, can you blame them?

I have been monitoring the test results coming in from CBD labs over the past five years in quite some awe. Simple, layman’s terms — it’s the equivalent of taking hormone replacement therapy without any of the side effects. I am impressed. Yes, to the extent I even became one of those shmucks.
And I NEVER thought it would come to market in my lifetime.
I have done business with Japan since 1999 (speaking it fluently since ’93) and their standards for any health product is through the roof. Today, I sell CBD to the Japanese consumer looking to import from the states.

Like the Japanese consumer, we can stand to ask a few more questions before putting our trust in just any shmuck who thinks they know what is best for our bodies — especially since this natural health industry does a very poor job of policing itself. (Having no FDA involvement is both a good and a bad thing.)
Let’s dive in on the top (5) questions you should be asking before entertaining ANYBODY’S CBD pitch:
1. What is the BIOAVAILABILITY of Your Product?
Not all of CBD hits our bloodstream — most being sold on the market is destroyed in the gut because we don’t absorb fat molecules. Industry-standard CBD absorption is at 6-8%.
This is quantifiable. Testing labs can test the blood work of test subjects to see what percentage hits the user’s system. By far, the most important question on our list to ask how can they get their CBD into your system! 90% of the industry standard CBD is getting destroyed .
(Amazingly enough… even with very low industry absorption rates, sales continue to escalate much quicker than expected. Tells you how potent the stuff is! You just have to take a ton of it.)
2. Where was the Hemp Grown?
There is still confusion when it comes to the hemp plant and its association with marijuana. I did an article exploring this in answering why the PGA Golf Tour has all but adopted CBD use.
60% of ALL CBD worldwide comes out of China.
My dealings with the Chinese have been favorable, however, my Japanese clients would NEVER order from them. Let’s just say their CBD farming and production practices are a far cry from the best quality they are insistent upon.
These inferior products are responsible for bringing down the average absorption rate to such mediocre levels.
Most hemp production stateside comes from Colorado — over 50%. No doubt, they were ahead of the curve. However, I don’t agree with recreational marijuana use (yes, there are proven medicinal benefits), but I know the good quality product coming from Colorado farms are priced at a premium.
Too pricey for your average gas station CBD distributor.
3. Is Your CBD Broad Spectrum or Isolate?
CBD is one of many cannabinoids that come from the hemp plant. There are literally over one hundred!
Broad spectrum CBD includes these many different cannabinoids that have proven to synergistically feed off of one another — broad spectrum keeps these cannabinoids together (along with other components called terpenes and flavonoids).
The most recent studies conclude this broad spectrum CBD is having a far more profound effect of invigorating our body’s hormonal, protein and enzyme production. Bringing better mental acuity, more sound sleep, and a dramatic decrease in inflammation.
Isolate CBD is where the manufacturing plant only takes out the CBD, removing all of the other naturally occurring components it grows alongside.
The kicker is this… the price per kilo for broad spectrum is twice the amount for isolate CBD. Just follow the money.
Yes, many are having a good experience from the isolated CBD, but in the long run, the consumer is actually being robbed by a watered-down version — putting more money in the pocket of the CBD network marketing company your neighbor friend wants you to join. (Don’t do it.)
4. Why is YOUR Stuff in it??!!
Our bodies are accepting CBD and other cannabinoids as if they were being generated within our own body. Crazy! Conversely, our systems are quick to recognize the synthetic nature of drugs that attempt to assist hormone, protein, and enzyme production. What are the results from taking these charlatans?
Side effects. Lots of them.
If the power of intaking cannabinoids is profound enough to have everybody talking… then why are companies fiddling with it? Many CBD formulations have other health products added in — ranging from coconut MCT oil to other proprietary blends. Why are they messing with such a good thing? My take is this:
High-end CBD is expensive.
It just is, no one can get around this… extracting cannabinoids and removing the psychoactive THC cross-pollination is difficult and costs money.
But everybody wants to piggyback on the CBD hype and excitement! If they can get you to have a decent enough experience, first-time users will come back for more. Hence, they throw the kitchen sink in their formulations for users to feel as much positive effects as possible — while profiting off a less expensive form of CBD with abysmal bioavailability.
But what experience could the user be having from a pure, broad spectrum CBD? Without the fluff? Many might never know unless they know what questions to ask.
5. Why is Your CBD So Cheap?
Only by understanding the questions above can we now evaluate price.
100% bioavailable, broad-spectrum, 1000mg CBD sourced from an organic hemp farm will cost $135-$150 for a 30 day supply. Anybody offering it for less is fudging on one or more of the above beneficial factors that drive up the price.
Hence, we are seeing the beginning of an exciting emerging market — unfortunately, there is absolutely NO scoreboard that tells the consumer if they are winning or not!
The truth is that most CBD brands skimp and are easily getting away with it because there is nothing in place to call them out. They are driving down the price point but in the long-run, the consumer is being cheated. Sure, many are having good experiences and telling themselves:
“Wow, this stuff is great! I’ve got to tell everybody!!”

But what could they be experiencing?
My Last Take
If you are curious about how your body will respond to instant, revitalizing hormones being completely absorbed into your system, give yourself a true CBD experience. Don’t settle for less quality to save a buck.
Try out the best and if the health benefits are worth the value your body is receiving… improved health quickly pays for itself.
And remember the above (5) questions to qualify your purchase.
The product I ship to Japan meets ALL of these standards. I have a friend and partner local to me that owns the CBD manufacturing plant I use. It is crazy how meticulous we must be in order to measure up to the Japanese standards. I go into more detail here.
If money is tight, I make an argument for a micronutrient product that has a better value than the best CBD — covers more ground as a natural anti-inflammatory, boosts hormone/enzyme production, provides military protection against high radiation, and functions as a multi-vitamin. A real health break-through.
You can try a 30 day supply with my coupon code for $25.
My hope is that you understand that my motivation is to see that the consumer receives the absolute best value for your buck; not being cheated by inferior products claiming they have the very best CBD has to offer.
Even if it makes me a schmuck.
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. In fact, ask your doctor the above questions and details about the endocannabinoid system; we are constantly learning as this is relatively new material. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither BrandonDouglas.com nor the publisher of this content (websites hosting banner ads, web exchanges, media buying traffic platforms) takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
Usage of Randy Quaid as Cousin Eddie from the Vacation movies and use of Steve Martin’s image he appeared in The Jerk are used with the intention that comes under the terms of the Fair Use Act. There is absolutely no intent to profit off of their images in any way. The design is to add humor to an informational piece given to consumers.