Support My Music

Thank you for considering giving a donation to support my praise music!

I would love to get out more of it… including more original music as well as taking the time to arrange some of your requested favorite hymns that I keep getting.

Your support helps me also to:

      – Take more time to travel and accept more playing engagements to a wide eclectic group of believers and non-believers alike
      – Use the money for better video equipment, amps, new strings, etc. and other necessities so I can give away free recordings and stream live praise and worship sessions

      (I am getting requests to put together a quality C.D. that takes a phenomenal amount of time and effort to get the right sound I am looking for!)

      – Put more time in reaching audiences worldwide that are blocked from listening to worship music (audiences in Pakistan, Iran, China, No. Korea, parts of India, etc.)

      [I do this through internet marketing techniques I have picked up over the years to get through their filters…]

So if you have benefited from anything I have put out… all Glory to God.

I thank you again for even considering getting behind me and what I am doing with worship music through your financial support and helping me put more of my efforts into praising Him!

God bless,

– Brandon

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