Buy Me a Burger

Brav’s Burger

If you have read my book and have clicked here to support my efforts… thank you.

The Clash used to let young punks in through the back door to their shows, added tons of dates to make up for greedy venues that would overbook and sell twice as many tickets as there was space available, and always made their label charge absolute rock-bottom prices for their albums.

In this spirit, I plan on keeping the price of my book as low as possible. I am grateful for any amount donated. It did take a bit for me to put together all the pieces. Editing was the major issue which took six months (and some of my sanity). During the time I worked on my book I didn’t take clients and minimized my business so any amount donated will help recover these costs.

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Your donation will go towards the following as well:

  • Printing Costs – I would like to make a physical version and this takes a big chunk of change to get a decent price.
  • Marketing Spend – I would like to promote my book through online marketing and your donation would go towards these marketing expenses.
  • Promotion Events – I plan to coordinate my own events wherever there is a demand (rich or poor). I love person-to-person interaction. In fact, it is vital in life. We are losing a lot of this through our cyber world. Donations would go towards travel expenses. (Maybe I’ll bring my guitar.)

Again, I thank you for any interest in contributing to my efforts.

All love,
